According to the scenario that happened in our reading on page 87 of Hue and Li’s book (2008) as we put it in our reference no. 3 on below. Then the best strategies that Ms. Chung, the teacher in the study case, can consider doing it by combining the strategies, tactics, and techniques to a discipline model call communication, that we learned in Section 01 and 02, by means not about which strategies can be better, since as we know those existing strategies that have been introduced are good and have their purposes with their advantages/disadvantage, either in how the level of effectiveness in which in some other discussion for that efficiency. But the study case about this kid hitting another kid after 10 mins of 2nd period of the class, may have been caused by something, and the better strategies that could be applied probably an approach to the student itself has been mentioned by Docking (2002) on “knowing how best to respond to unwanted behavior is among the most difficult decisions teachers have to make”. Therefore, like in this discussion study case, Ms. Chung may have to do some inappropriate action, which in the scenario has shown about Ms. Chung taking a side for Mei Sheung, by claiming about “decides to help to Mei Sheung”, this action perhaps will make student Chi Fai do more self-defense, which ended to not so good student character and personality development in Chi Fai growing process, because as a teacher we need to know about the goal of classroom management is not to control students but to prepare them to become self-disciplined (Hue Ming-tak and Li Wai-shing, 2008).
Another reason, as a teacher, especially that happened during the classroom activity, then the teacher should be in a neutral condition on taking an action, especially teacher in the class at that time has ordered all students to work in pairs, therefore a neutral condition should be the first action that Ms. Chung need to take. After all, as philosopher Parmenides (fifth century BC) ever mentioned “Nothing comes from Nothing”, therefore, to respond to the situation in the scenario, Ms. Chung need to calm both sides, and then get the opinions from both sides in order on finding the roots of the issue, then from the opinion of both students, Ms. Chung need to identify the truthiness of that situation, especially with each student character itself, in this study case is Chi Fai characters, and personality, does Chi Fai a student with a light hand as the scenario mentioned, or does Chi Fai do have some uncontrolled motoric system that needs to be aware of. Then, with all the data information that Ms. Chung has gathered about Chi Fai and Mei Cheung, Ms. Chung can formulate personal plans which reflect the realities of the classroom situations they encounter and are consistent with their personalities (Charles, 2005). Perhaps, based on the scenario, Ms. Chung as a new teacher may not aware yet, especially in the training course, in which she may learn more about classroom management, classroom syllabus, curriculum, ethic, and some other tools that are necessary with the classroom in general, but in practice, most of the time we need to be going a bit deep, like a psychiatric giving a healthy consultation with treatment than medication, and/or like a judge giving a healthy judgment based on humanity study case than textbook law, etc. After all, such plans help teachers to apply classroom management strategies constructively by providing consistent and non-arbitrary guidelines for decision-making when encountering particular kinds of misbehavior (Lasley, 1989). In conclusion, three strategies can be applied, and that would be:
An approach to both sides, by listening to each side’s story. Also, in this study case, asking from both sides what would they want it? or how can the teacher (Ms. Chung) help? This method is action from Verbal Intervention Strategies in the section of Asking Students, which was introduced by Kerr and Nelson (2002), then Levin and Nolan (2004).
Asking a class opinion on what the best for Chi Fai and Mei Sheung would be, based on the case that has been healthy screening or informed to Ms. Chung in the action 01. As suggested by Pacer (2018) about support and empower the child through work together to create an action plan, focus on the child’s strengths and abilities, think through who can be involved to help.
Finally, Ms. Chung can get a conclusion systematically based on the rules that have been introduced in the first-class meeting, with support on Ms. Chung’s teaching philosophy, the schoolwide rules, and data that Ms. Chung gathered, which will be used to communicate with Chi Fai and Mei Sheung. Of course, Chi Fai has to apologize to Mei Sheung since that physical activity has been made, then go back to both sides story on case situation that brings to this condition. After all, as we know whereas some students need encouragement, other students need a gentle reprimand, and still, others might require a not-so-gentle reprimand (Marzano, 2003).
In the end, since we are teacher, then the action to become a neutral in each condition become superbly challenging in each teacher life to live. But as a teacher, which has been mentioned by Mark and Christine Boynton (2005) in section strategies of “Relationship Strategies” about don’t be one of the kids with means it is important for you to be professional with students and to show clearly by your words and actions that, while you value and care about your students, you are in charge and must reciprocate. So, our self-system on becoming a teacher itself should always remind us on the teacher is not an encyclopedia, also the teacher is not a police or parent, but we are educators, and our main duty is to educate properly and eliminate our self-center emotions that can hurt our learner especially in their personality and character to grow.
01. Boynton, M. & Boynton, C. (2005). Educator’s guide to preventing and solving discipline problems. Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.
02. Gallery, Peter Amby (2012). Nothing Comes from Nothing. Retrieved from:,invitation%2C%20they%20are%20somehow%20eternal. [Accessed on March 3, 2021]
03. Hue, M., & Li, W. (2008). Classroom management: Creating a positive learning environment. Hong Kong University Press.
04. Pacer (2018). Ways to be there as an adult- Episode 17. Retrieved from [Accessed on March 2, 2021]
05. Samonski, Mike. Parmenides Dialogues: Parmenides vs Socrates. Retrieved from: [Accessed on March 3, 2021]
06. Wikipedia (2021). Parmenides. Retrieved from: [Accessed on March 3, 2021]