#2023. W 36 D 4 GMT +08:00. Indicate #115 days to go in 2023. We have been told that to unlock proper knowledge, humans must make peace with all human emotions. That means focusing on evolutionary transformation’s theoretical and technological challenges from biological systems to intelligent robots. We found that one of the fundamental requirements for the success of a human-robot collaboration task is the capacity of the robot system to interact with the human operator. Indicate the selection of the impedance parameters and the need for appropriate values to reject disturbances due to model uncertainties and the approximations into the inverse dynamics computation should be considered. In the meantime, it is to be noted in this research that the output variables are assumed to be the vector of end-effector forces and the moments of the robot (linear and angular positions and velocities). Finally, the experiment results demonstrated that the incorporation of muscle metrics explicitly in the grasp force estimation had a substantial impact on the performance.