#2023. W 42 D 3 GMT +08:00. Indicate #74 days to go in 2023. Now, we will present an introduction to the interaction of light and matter on the attosecond timescale. Initially, there is astrophysics, which is 10^-18 seconds, also called attoscience, which is a branch of Physics wherein attosecond duration pulses of electrons or photons are used to probe dynamic processes in matter with unprecedented time resolution. Especially that we know, one of the primary goals of attosecond science is to provide more insights into the dynamics of electrons in molecules. However, the sub-cycle interaction of light and electrons has been one of the key frontiers in free-electron lasers, attosecond science, and the dynamical investigation of matter. In which to follow how this coherent superposition of core-excited states over time, a group of researchers designed an ultrafast clock known as an ‘attoclock’ – a condition to rapidly rotating electric field from a circularly polarized laser pulse acts as the clock hand. A rotation that leads us to a wave that is identified from the combination of light waves of varying wavelengths that can generate pulses of light. As a result, Prof. Pierre Agostini created a train of attosecond pulses of light, while Prof. Ferenc Krausz isolated a single pulse – based on the Nobel Prize report. Therefore, with that opening, we are aware now that attosecond is a billionth of a billionth of a second. How many digits differences would there be if you wrote out that number, which you compare with the Age of the Universe and the Heartbeat timeframe?