#2023. W 39 D 4 GMT +08:00. Indicate #94 days left in 2023. The way people live, think, and value has changed due to the civilizations. However, some things remain as it is in humanity. A thing called memory that we know there are two different kinds of memory- short and long – term memory. As we envisioned a future of humanity in their lives, thinking, and values, we created an inclusive teaching-learning environment with effort and dedication. Truly inclusive educators and learners do more than incorporate a humanity tone; they take responsibility for creating an educative environment, developing inclusive courses, and adjusting their education based on evidence about research and development that supports and challenges all educator-learners to be creative problem-solvers. Finally, according to the implementation methodology based on research and development, the impact of the methodology formulated during the problem-solver period and the final state of the actual creativity of the higher education system is discussed.