#2023. W 43 D 1 GMT +08:00. Indicate #69 days left in 2023. We all know that in a chemical reaction or physical change, electronic, vibrational, and rotational dynamics can occur in a high fashion on timescales from 0.01 – 1000 fs. Therefore, by optimizing artificial light-harvesting systems within 1 fs – 1 ns, we can observe the electronic events in photo-physics and chemistry, especially while controlling chemistry and physics with laser fields around 0.1 fs – 100 ps. We can analyze the lightwave electronics within 0.01 – 1 fs. Then, with adjusting materials (e.g. superconductivity) with lights around 1 fs – 100 ps, we can better understand radiation damage in biomolecules around 0.1 fs – 1 ps. Finally, as analysis continues to accurately subtract probe-only background and resort against timing jitter using XTCAV, we must be aware that much fluctuation of pulse spectrum, intensity, temporal profile and delays between pulses, together with the only 120 Hz repetition rate, this makes getting statistically signals challenging.