Rules and Procedures on Classroom Management Should be Approachable and Synergy

In the beginning on each teaching and learning educator and learner should learn the standardization. Educators and learners should not just know about standardization but understand standardization. Standardization is in the form of anything that we want to call, like rules and procedures on classroom management. Even the simplest thing has rules and procedures to help us to understand how it will play. Also, standardization should help the teaching-learning progress. Educators are not only responsible for delivering the message about their passionate subject material, but they are also responsible for helping learners how to be acceptably positive people. Therefore, educators must help with understanding the life lessons in form of dependable systems between rules and procedure (Missouri School, 2016) because learners spend most of their day in the educational institute. To do so, a clear systematic introduction about rules and procedures with tolerance for learners should be introduced, because as all of us know about if this is a rule then there are consequences (Rebecca Alber, 2017), also educators know a person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new (Albert Einstein), means if a learner has made some “mistake” then educator should approach learner privately (Jessica E. Rosevear, 2009) on helping each other with a better level of understanding, especially learning will be much more valuable when learners have an opportunity to explains and defends their idea (Jessica E. Rosevear, 2009). Furthermore, if educators and learners understand it then they will build a practically synergy learning environment in harmony. Punishing leaner without helping them with appropriate lessons makes it likely that learners get a license to redo their misunderstanding of rules and procedures. As we realize on learner do learning because they want to understand, our learners may have developed non-acceptable behavior and have not learned any other way of getting by, therefore our duty as an educator to help learner on reaching their potential personally and academically (Harry and Rosemary Wong) in a positive and wisely way. It would be better to introduce this standardization properly and passionately on the very first day of school as it becomes the most important day of the school year (Ronald L. Partin, 2009), after all the first impression on being approachable and shareable is the lead to our communication on a positive classroom environment.

On the other hand, from the variants of system standardizations, educators should simplify it but challenge in the form of encouragement in the classroom. The system types of rules on classroom management should be easy to approach. To approach, then educators and learners need to discuss appropriately this rule and the differences with a mission to void the misconnection on the message that educator sending it while learner receiving it (Barbara McEwan), and being able to make a simple direction and noted in structuring the rules and procedures itself (Wong H., Wong R., Rogers K., Brooks A.), in which also the rules to become effective for educator and learner then the rule has to be observable by eyes or ears, it can be measurable, it positively stated, easy to understand, and applicable, this method also calls as OMPUA Guidelines (Missouri School, 2016). For example, in Mathematics learning, once we know about Mathematics is not about problem-solving, but the study of the idea (Wikipedia, 2020), then the rules of Math will be very easy and flexible to approach, in which the BEDMAS rules (Brackets, Exponent, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction), and we proceed some calculations based on the basic operation as our tools, with numbers as our mathematical language for us to find the meaning behind it (Anne Marie Helmenstine, 2019). Another addition, to support the type of rules on classroom management, then the types of procedures on classroom management must be flexible in application. The flexibility on applying the rules that have been understandably accepted and discussed between educator and learner will become one of the key components on realizing it. In our approach for this flexibility educators and learner should know about there is no number about which one among the OMPUA Guidelines have to be done in the first hand. Similarly, with the BEDMAS rules in Mathematics learning, there is no number on which one has to proceed first. Therefore, once we meet the real-life situation then the educator and learner need to be flexible on applying the rules. An example like in mathematics, once we meet the situation of a set of numbers with a basic operation like:

10 x ( -9 + 8 + 7 x 6 + 5 x 4 x 3 ) x 2 + 1


10 + [ ( 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 ) * ( 5 + 4^3 – 2 ) ] + 1

Then, we can be flexible by following the BEDMAS rule on solving it, once there is a bracket then we solve the bracket first, and we move to exponent if there is, lastly we can go to basic operation, to find a result. Besides, a misidentified of rules and procedures will probably be opening to other problems too. Rules and Procedures should be addressed it clearly on the very first day (Ronald L. Partin), especially with the terms of flexibility then the line between rules and procedure that as thin as a red string should be pointing out, then to help learners realizing it will be great if an educator can keep repeating it throughout the lesson by demonstrating it, the importance of engaging in every step of the process (Jessica E. Rosevear). As another example like in mathematical learning an educator can also demonstrate the step-of-step process on where the final equation comes from, and how that equation gets a form, to avoid the misidentification between each term that happened in the teaching-learning process. Because educators keep repeating and actively supervise the procedure of applying rules throughout teaching-learning (Missouri School) with awareness about rules is not a routine (Rebecca Alber, 2017), so educator needs to know this repetition will be purposely on helping our learner to understand the material conveniently also to help educator and learner on self-development.

In conclusion, now educator can realize it on how we should design and applying the rules and introduce procedures. In order, to help educators, learners, and staff administration to have a place where every learner dares to ask a question or get a challenge in answering without a feeling of being tested (Lisa Butyness). Also, with a realization on our learner about the rules and procedures that been discussed at the beginning of the lesson is the form about trusted educators are caring on having the safe classroom for their learner on learning in which benefit learner (Wong H., Wong R., Rogers K., Brooks A.). The implementation of rules and procedures should be equally simple with support on repetition during class throughout the material that has been taught, to build the synergy positive classroom environment and application of rules without pressures, without we are forgetting about communication is the main tools on educators and learners delivering this rules and procedures.



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