Board Games vs Card Games

First, a board game is played on a flat surface called a board for a mediator. Often, a board game play at the table. Nowadays, board game classification has become broader, including card games, especially some card games played on the table. However, every board game that plays on the board has a pre-designed pattern on each game itself. In addition, the game will get support by uniquely determining pieces and tokens that can be played around the game based on its rules. Examples are International Chess, Chinese Chess, Snake and Ladder, Checker, battleship, Shogi, and many more. Indicate those board games are fun to play with their unique design to get the challenge.

In support, we play a board game with several people or many people. Every player takes turns making their decision during the play. They will turn their tokens on the board or pass their cards. The game will be played to achieve a specific goal as the game is being designed. For example, in chess, the game aims to make the opponent out of a move. On the other hand, the game of Othello, which aims to make the most token of our colour, appears in the area. Various players and aims with pre-designed games bring us differences in collaboration and creativity.

However, there is a complicated meaning of the board game. The complicated meaning is that a game gets divided into classic and modern games. In the classic mode, the game mostly plays with a pattern like international chess, Chinese chess, snake and ladder, checker, monopoly, scrabble and many more. Meantime in the modern game, the game plays with a theme itself. Examples of the modern game include settlers of catan, star wars, zombicide, the ticket to ride and many more. 

All of those games have their domains. In general, there are three domains I call the triangle of learning:

  1. The most apparent, which is cognitive, involves strategy.
  2. Affective, as players anticipate due to their analysis and instinct.
  3. The psychomotor, as a player, decide on possible wise moves over their opponents’ next move. 

Finally, I will focus on modern board games in this article. The thought is that we can learn through a modern board game, which is creative and more variant in some ways to play and know the situations, and more importantly, educative. As educative as it was, I have designed the courses for those board games with your support. The first course is called philosophical learning of the modern game, and the second is called quantum learning of the classic game. Both have their concepts and their learning outcomes. Please feel free to join those courses as your will and within possibility.
