Stars and Galaxies
As Taught In:
online 2020/2021
Course Features:
=> Slide Notes
=> Programming
=> Projects and Examples
Course Overview:
This course to help learner on develop a broad view of what we know about the Universe, then they can understand the forces that shape the Universe and its history. Therefore, in order to help learners to understand then educators figured all this out by to learn on how science works. By initiate on from how we overview it in place of what we shall study in what is our place in the Universe?
No prerequisites, aimed at non-science majors, even though we will meet a moderate amounts of quantitative work in algebra.
There are 11 problem sets, and your grade is determined entirely by these problem sets.
11 does not divide evenly into 100, so what we do is we have ten that are worth 9% of your grade, and the 11th is worth 10% of your grade.
This is a recommended text but not necessary:
Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, Voit. The Cosmic Perspective 4th Edition.
It does not necessarily have to be the latest edition.
Stars and Galaxies course is an online course. All course materials are available online. Learning methods include lecture notes, asynchronous threaded discussions, weekly assignments, a short online portfolio at the end of each chapter, and links to additional material.
There are 11 problem sets, and your grade is determined entirely by these problem sets.
11 does not divide evenly into 100, so what we do is we have ten that are worth 9% of your grade, and the 11th is worth 10% of your grade
Outline Topic:
The topics are grouped as:
Lec 01 – Perspective and Astronomy
Lec 02 – Matter and Energy, Light/Atoms, Telescopes
Lec 03 – Our Star the Sun
Lec 04 – Properties of Stars, H-R Diagram, Binaries
Lec 05 – Lives of Stars (Birth, Main Seq, Red Giants)
Lec 06 – White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, Black Holes
Lec 07 – Our Milky Way Galaxy
Lec 08 – Other Galaxies, Hubble Law
Lec 09 – Galaxy Evolution, Quasars, Active Galaxies
Lec 10 – Dark Matter, Large-Scale Structure
Lec 11 – Cosmology: Creation and Fate of the Universe